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Smart Mirror? What's that all about?

Mihir Patkar says that the smart mirror of the future won’t just say you’re the prettiest of them all. It’ll also tell you the time, date, weather outside, upcoming calendar appointments, and more.

With the SmartMirror project, we intended to implement a SmartMirror smarter than that description, with 2 major concerns in mind: usability and health.

We realized it could be very interesting to analyze a person's emotion, right from the SmartMirror. This would be very useful for example in situations where patients have to be constantly monitored by medical staff, even when they're at home.

But we also understood that, having in mind the fact the SmartMirror is in fact, a mirror, a touch or keyboard based interaction would not work. Speech recognition was the best solution to provide users a hassle-free experience.

And from these 2 concerns, our SmartMirror proof of concept was born.

Want to know how to use it? Just go here and say photo, then photo. You should see an emoji telling you if you're happy or not.


Main features currently implemented

Project Architecture Diagram

Detects if a user is happy or not. The user can either talk to the mirror to ask for his/her emotion to be evaluated or use the available button.

The emotion analysis is based on a photo of the user taken by the camera of the SmartMirror

Image © SmileyAnswers

Users can interact with the SmartMirror using a convenient hands-free solution based on speech recognition.

Currently supported commands are:
  • Photo: to take a photo of the user and analyze his/her current emotion
  • Yes/No: to accept the taken photo
  • Weather: to show the user the weather

The emotion analysis can be very useful for many purposes, including health use cases. Therefore, the system was developed having in mind the capability of being integrated with other third-party apps by using the developed API that allows for example medical professionals to access the users emotions.

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