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The Continuous Deployment Pipeline on Jenkins

SmartMirror Pipeline on Jenkins

SmartMirror Pipeline on Jenkins

Modes of execution

The SmartMirror pipeline is parameterized. It can be run in three different modes:

Mode Explanation
Test Only executes the test related steps of the pipeline, such as Test, Cucumber tests. This allows us to run our integration tests quickly, without deploying the app.
Deploy Only executes the deployment related steps of the pipeline, such as Deploy to Artifactoy, Deploy back-end, Deploy Doctor App and Deploy on runtime. This allows us to deploy the app while skipping all tests.
Test+Deploy Executes the full pipeline.

Details on each stage

Used plugins, executed tasks, used tools

Stage Purpose Used tools Runs on modes
Test This steps executes some preliminary testing, such as checking if the remote runtime server is active. This is so the new build stops before executing some of the most performance heavy steps in case there’s something wrong with the deployment server. SSH command Test + Deploy
Deploy to Artifactory On this step, the main smart mirror app is built and deployed to artifactory, configured on the settings.xml file. Maven
Test + Deploy
Deploy back-end Builds a docker image containing our emotion detection program and pushes it to the docker registry Docker
Test + Deploy
Deploy Doctor App Builds the doctor app and the corresponding docker image. It pushes the image to the docker registry. Docker Test + Deploy
Cucumber Tests On this step, the integration tests are executed to check the integrity of the data flows. Maven and Cucumber Test + Deploy
Deploy on runtime In this step the pipeline gets the app running on the runtime server. To do so, it uses an sshagent to connect to the server. Afterwards, it runs a pre-existing script to clean the currently running containers, if there’s any. Then, it fetches the Smart Mirror artifact from artifactory and transfers the Dockerfile from Jenkins, using it to build the docker image and finally it runs the container. To finish, it pulls the emotion detection and doctor app images from the docker registry and runs them. SSH command Test + Deploy
Prepare Reports On this step, the pipeline saves the cucumber tests reports, so they can be consulted on the Jenkins page. Cucumber Reports Jenkins plugin Test + Deploy


Notes on requirements for the pipeline to work

To deploy and run SmartMirror, we need the following running containers:
  • Kafka Broker, running on port 9093
  • MySQL, running on port 3037
  • A fully configured ELK Stack
Also, even if it's not part of the pipeline itself, the system has specific hardware requirements on the client side:
  • Camera
  • Microphone


The monitoring is done using the ELK stack (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana).

To upload our data to Elastic Search, we’re using a appender for logback. This appender is configured on the logback.xml, available on the source code.

This data can then be visualized on Kibana, by consulting the index “esp30-logs”. As all our logs messages are uploaded there, this data can be filtered to show all kinds of information about the running system, from status to the emotions being captured.

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