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Personas and Scenarions

Based on a User Centered Design perspective, we defined the key personas and usage scenarios to define the acceptance criteria of our system. These criteria were the support for most of implemented tests, as described in the next section.


Who will use our system and why


Retired elder

  • Motivations:
  • Harold is a 75 years old now-retired Hungarian electrical engineer. Harold is also the carrier of a disease, similar to bipolar disorder, which causes him to change his temper in an abrupt, incontrollable way.
  • His family is very supportive of his condition. However, as any severe medical condition, Harold requires medical follow-up. In an ideal situation, his doctor would be warned every time his temper changed in order to track and analyze his behavior patterns. Since this isn’t possible, Harold got himself a SmartMirror.
  • Harold’s account is setup so that every time he stands near, looking at his SmartMirror, the mirror takes a photograph, analyzes the image and determines Harold’s current mood. This information is then sent to his doctor. It also sends a notification every time the system detects a change in his mood.


  • Motivations:
  • John is Harold’s doctor. He cares a lot for him and tries to keep up with his current state (mood) at all time.
  • In order to be able to remotely know how’s his patient doing, he downloaded an app that notifies him whenever there’s a mood change with Harold. It also allows him to look at statistics regarding the latest readings.
Joanne and Madison
  • Motivations:
  • Joanne and Madison are two 20 years old twin sisters.
  • These twin sisters are not a copy of each other. Joanne is enrolled in an Engineering in an University in the north while her sister Madison is perfecting her dancing skills in an dance academy, down south.
  • Although their different interests, they really like and care for each other and make video calls whenever they can. However, Madison is often busy practicing and having her laptop opened on the floor while she’s trying out new moves is, in the very least, risky. Since Madison needs a mirror to practice, Joanne got her a SmartMirror. This way, they can talk while she practices and Joanne can see her new moves firsthand.

Usage Scenarios

How the system will be used

Feature Scenario Scenario Description Scenario Status
Report Status
In order to get better medical care
Users should be able to easily report their current status
Choose to Report Given a user with a medical condition

When the user is happy

And the user steps in front of the mirror and says "Status report"

Then the smart mirror should assess the user mood as happy


Report on Wake (RoW) Given a user with a medical condition

When the user is not happy

And the user just woke up and steps in front of the mirror for a few seconds

Then the smart mirror should assess the user mood as neutral

Remotely Check Patient Status
In order to provide better medical care
Users should be able to easily check their patient's (latest) reported status
Emotion Trends Given a medical professional that needs to know the trends of emotions for all users

And a mobile app that accesses the system's public API

Then the medical professional should be able to obtain all emotions registered without any user identification


Latest Reports Given a medical professional that takes care of a user

And a mobile app that accesses the system's public API

When the medical professional wishes to check on their latest reports

Then the medical professional should be able to access the latest reports of the patient using the mobile app

Display Informations
In order to complement the day to day tasks
Users should be able to get useful informations (like the weather)
Checking the Weather Given a user

And internet connection

When the user says "Display weather"

Then the smart mirror should display the weather for the day

Not done (out of scope)

Checking To Do List Given a user

And internet connection

When the user says "Display To Do list"

Then the smart mirror should display the user's "To do list"

Not done (out of scope)
In order to complement the day to day tasks
Users should be able to set reminders
Set Reminder Given a user

And internet connection

When the user says "Set reminder for 10 o'clock"

Then the smart mirror should set a reminder with an associated alarm set to go off at 10 o'clock

Not done (out of scope)
Multimedia Capture
In order to complement the day to day tasks
Users should be able to take photos and record audio and video
Taking a Photo Given a user

And internet connection

When the user says "Take a photo"

Then the smart mirror should save the current frame as an image file

Not done (out of scope)

Recording Audio/Video Given a user

And internet connection

When the user says "Record audio/video"

Then the smart mirror should record the audio/video stream until the user says "Stop"

Not done (out of scope)


From the defined features, we chose to implement the first two (Report Status and Remotely Check Patient Status).

Having in mind a Behavior-driven development (BDD) mindset, the defined scenarios for each feature were the basis for the testing of the system. Post-production tests based on those scenarios were implemented using the Cucumber tool.

To make the testing process more robust and also quicker during the execution of the DevOps pipeline, we opted to divide the tests implemented using the Cucumber tool into 2 sets: online and offline tests. The difference between these 2 types lies on the usage or not of the external API the system provides. This division was useful to make sure that, if needed, only part of the tests can be run when needed (and not all of them) and also to allow parallelization of the execution of the 2 sets of tests in the pipeline (see the Cucumber Tests stages here).

It was also developed an integration test that uses the API to retrieve the emotion counts (statistics), then it injects a new image in the system, simulating a photo taken by the mirror. This image is processed by the emotion detection module that adds the new emotion to the system. The last step of this test requires a new request to the same end point of the API which will allow for a comparison between the first emotion counts and the updated one. The difference between them should correspond to the emotion present in the image injected.

Tests can be run through the execution of the Jenkins pipeline of the project, where it's possible to see the reports prepared in the last stage of the pipeline as illustrated below (Cucumber reports Jenkins plugin is required).

Project Architecture Diagram

Reports for feature 2 (Remotely Check Patient Status) as seen in the Jenkins dashboard

Alternatively, the tests can be run using mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @online/@offline --tags ~@not-implemented" -s settings.xml if you only want to run online/offline tests or mvn test -Dcucumber.options= --tags ~@not-implemented" -s settings.xml if you want to run all the tests. In these situations, the results will be available in the file target/cucumber/report.json

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